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B&G Seagull without gold sugar bowl no. 302 |
B&G Seagull without gold rim Hotel porcelain dinner plate no. 716 - 1009 |
B&G Seagull without gold rim Hotel porcelain lunch plate no. 1007 |
B&G Seagull without gold rim hotel porcelain large deep plate no. 1008 - 25 cm. |
B&G Seagull without gold edge cup no. 219 |
B&G Seagull without gold rim moon-shaped dish |
B&G Seagull without gold edge bowl No. 42 |
B&G Seagull without gold triangular dish no. 40 |
B&G Seagull without gold dish with handle no. 101 |
B&G Seagull without gold leaf shaped dish no. 199 |
B&G Seagull without gold square bowl no. 230 |
B&G Seagull without gold large dish no. 15 - 41 cm. |
B&G Seagull without gold rim large soup plate no. 22 - 24,5 cm. |
B&G Seagull without gold broth cup no. 247 - 481 |
B&G Seagull without gold Hotel porcelain small cream jug no. 1039 - 801 |
B&G Seagull without gold oil / vinegar jug no. 197 |
B&G Seagull without gold Hotel porcelain sugar bowl no. 1035 - 791 |
B&G Seagull without gold plate with double lace 24 cm. 1902-14 |
B&G Seagull without gold dish no. 200 |
B&G Seagull without gold, rarely small lid dish no. 5A |
B&G Seagull without gold sauce bowl no. 8 |
B&G Seagull without gold celery dish no. 205 |
B&G Seagull without gold, rarely small lid dish no. 5A |
B&G Seagull without gold round dish no. 20 - 32 cm. |
B&G Seagull without gold pair of candlesticks No. 224 |
B&G Seagull without gold salt shaker no. 52A |
B&G Seagull without gold large bowl no. 43 |
B&G Seagull without gold vase no. 202 |
B&G Seagull without gold bowl no. 44 |
B&G Seagull without gold - large bowl on stand no. 206 |
B&G Seagull without gold, cake plate no 28A, 15.5 cm. |
B&G Seagull without gold, rare small dish no. 5A |
B&G Sea gull without gold small coffee pot no. 412 |
B&G Seagull without gold plate no. 28 - 17 cm. |
B&G Seagull without gold creamer no. 189 |