Click on an image to enlarge |
B&G Seagull with gold cigaret cup no. 240 |
B&G Seagull with gold dish no. 66 |
B&G Seagull with gold candlestick no. 224 |
B&G Seagull with gold teapot no. 238 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge large vase no. 203 |
B&G Seagull with gold rim ekstra large cup no. 104 |
B&G Seagull with gold-rimmed bowl no. 185 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dish no. 39 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge square dish no. 194 - 333 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dish with wavy edge no. 227 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge mustard jar no. 210 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge vase no. 202 |
B&G Seagull with gold dish with flat bowl no. 64 |
B&G Seagull with gold bowl with sea horse no. 212 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge leaf-shaped dish No. 199 |
B&G Seagull with gold mustard jar no. 52C |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dish no. 30 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge milk jug no. 81 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge bowl no. 223 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge celery dish no. 205 |
B&G Sea Gull with gold edge candlestick no. 249 |
B&G Sea Gull with gold edge square bowl no. 230 - 576 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dish No 316 - 16, 34 cm. |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dish 375 - 17 28 cm. |
B&G Sea Gull with gold edge glass tray no. 30 - dish no. 246 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge mustard jar no. 52 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge cream jug no. 95 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge milk jug no. 85 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge small soup plate no. 23 - 21 cm. |
B&G Seagull with gold edge small vase no. 207 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dinner plate no. 25 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge triangular tray no. 52D |
B&G Seagull with gold edge butter cup no. 200 |
B&G Seagull with god, large bowl on stand no. 206 |
B&G Seagull with gold salt & pepper set no. 52A |
B&G Seagull with gold vase no. 191 |
B&G Seagull with gold dish no. 96 |
B&G Seagull frame with gold edge large chocolate cup no. 103/475 |
B&G Seagull with gold, cake plate no. 28A 15.5 cm. |
B&G Seagull with gold edge dish No. 42 |
B&G Seagull with gold - moon-shaped dish no. 41 |
B&G Seagull with gold lunch plate no. 26 - 21.5 cm. |
B&G Seagull with gold - dish no. 101 - 304 |
B&G Seagull fish plates no. 25 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge cream jug no. 189 - 303 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge sugar bowl no. 94 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge large bowl no. 43 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge large dish no. 15 - 41 cm. |
B&G Seagull with gold edge small dish no. 18 |
B&G Seagull with gold, dish no. 40 |
Text available in Danish language |
B&G Seagull with gold edge sauce jug no. 8 |
B&G Seagull with gold edge large soup plate no. 22 |