Set of 14kt gold Björn Weckström for Lapponia necklace and ring with zoisit and diamond of circa 0,05ct and bracelet with zoisit. Necklace L: 43cm. Bracelet L: 19,5cm. Ringsize: 61

Item number: 581921

Description: Set of 14kt gold Björn Weckström for Lapponia necklace and ring with zoisit and diamond of circa 0,05ct and bracelet with zoisit
Necklace L: 43cm. Bracelet L: 19,5cm. Ringsize: 61
Item number: 169
This item can be purchased at:
Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel
Nørreport 16
6200 Aabenraa
40 83 55 83