Royal Copenhagen crystalline blue glazed vase form 134 15 x 12 cm

Price: 16,000.- DKK per item

Item number: 544188

Description: Royal Copenhagen crystalline blue glazed vase form 134 15 x 12 cm In mint and nice condition with a small firing flows at one leg. Ice glaze - floating glaze. It is dated 11-12 192? and signed but under the floating glaze so it probably Proschowsky, Ludvigsen or Soren Berg

Since 1889 engineers at Royal Copenhagen had been working with the crystal glazes. The names of the artist / engineers were Adolphe Clément (1860-1933 at RC 1883-1891), Valdemar Engelhart (1860-1915 at RC from 1891 - 1915), C. F. Ludvigsen (1883-1963 at RC 1911-1922 and 1947-1953), P. M. Proschowsky (1893-1968 at RC 1918-1925) and Søren Berg (1897-1978 at RC 1927-1933)
This item can be purchased at:
Fuglsangsgade 4
9550 Mariager
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