Bjoern Wiinblad Nymoelle Denmark 3052-1278 The Seasons Wall Plate or dinnerplate 27.5 cm

Price: 275.- DKK per item

Item number: 363437

Description: 3053-1279 The Seasons - Winter 21,5 cm, black x 1 pcs
3053-1279 The Seasons - Spring 21,5 cm, black x 0 pcs
3052-1278 The Seasons - Autum 27.5 cm, black x0 pcs
3052-1278 The Seasons - Summer 27,5 cm, black x 1 pcs

Bjorn Wiinblad Nymolle Denmark faience and pottery
Bjørn Winblad In nice and mint condition
Aarstiderne * The Seasons * Die Jahreszeiten * Les Saisons
Spring, Frühling, Printemps, Forår
Summer, Sommer, Été, Somer
Autum. Herbst, Automme, Efterår
Winter, Winter, Hirer, Vinter
This item can be purchased at:
Fuglsangsgade 4
9550 Mariager
Please email for ordering & your questions