Michael Andersen & Son, Bornholm 4055 A AF Polar bear tray 10 x 15.5 cm

Price: 575.- DKK per item

Item number: 324908

Description: Michael Andersen & Son, Bornholm 4055 A AF Polar bear tray 10 x 15.5 cm
A/S Michael Andersen & Son, Roenne, Bornholm. Its history goes back to 1740, where the potter Rasmus Olsen founded a Pottery. Eventually acquired by Jens Michael Andersen in 1890 after a short period under the Stilholt family. The early production was earthenware and terracotta, but the Michael Andersen introduced a production og utensils and decorative items with high fired glazes.
Some of the ceramicist who contributed to the factory's success were among others: Daniel Andersen, Fritz Sanders, Ernst Weber, Elly Dobreff, Ida Swartz Lehmann, von Erlö, Hilde Dietrich, Hervig Schraml, Liselotte Majer, Max Riebe, Svend Nielsen, Vibeke Hansen og Marianne Starck. J.J. Bregnoe, Harald Isenstein, Carlo Rosberg, Sigward Bernadotte.
The company is now owned by ceramicist Solveig Ussing, who have reduced the manufactory to a well runned art pottery workshop. Visitors can walk in an follow the work in the produ tradiition of Bornholm Art Pottery handicraft.

This item can be purchased at:
Fuglsangsgade 4
9550 Mariager
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