The Seasons. Bjorn Wiinblad Nymoelle Faience Plates or large charger 36.5 cm 3065

Price: 575.- DKK per item

Item number: 171820

Description: The Seasons. Bjorn Wiinblad Nymoelle Faience Plates and other items The Seasons, Årstiderne - Die Jahreszeiten - Les Saison

3065 Nymoelle Large Plate 36,5 cm The Seasons - Winter, black
3065 Nymoelle Large Plate 36,5 cm The Seasons - Spring black

Out of stock:
3065 Nymoelle Large Plate 36.5 cm The Seasons - Summer , black SOLD
3065 Nymoelle Large Plate 36.5 cm The Seasons - Autum , black Sold

Spring, Frühling, Printemps, Forår
Summer, Sommer, Été, Somer
Autum. Herbst, Automme, Efterår
Winter, Winter, Hirer, Vinter
This item can be purchased at:
Fuglsangsgade 4
9550 Mariager
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