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Aluminia Red Cloves

Guaranteed reduced. Price before: 300.- DKK
 -20%  Price: 240.- DKK

Aluminia Red Cloves creamer.

This product is only in our storage. It can be bought online or if you want to see it in our shop, then please call or email us. We can often have it in the shop on the same day.

Decoration number 181/111.

Height 12.0 cm.

There are two chips at the top rim and a lot of discolouration in the glaze, please see the pictures.

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Stock: 1

  • Item number: 593526
  • Category: Aluminia

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  • Knabrostr�de 13,
  • DK - 1210 K�benhavn K.

  • Tel: +45 2972 2028

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