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Drinking glasses
Drinking glasses
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Holmegaard champagne glass No. 2 from 1853-1925
575.- DKK
Holmegaard champagne glass No. 2 from 1853-1925
575.- DKK
Holmegaard Lalaing
Decanter for red wine
1,400.- DKK
Extra large brandy glasses with sterling silver bottom
375.- DKK per item
Champagne glass from around 1900
300.- DKK
Conradsminde champagne glass from around 1840
750.- DKK
Holmegaard champagne glass No. 4 from 1853-1930
550.- DKK
Holmegaard Harmony
Tumbler glass
175.- DKK per item
Holmegaard Harmony
Small Tumbler glass
150.- DKK per item
Holmegaard Blue Bells
White wine glass 17.4 cm.
200.- DKK per item
Kastrup Holmegaard Glass.
Drinking glass "Til Fodeselsdag" - "For Birthday"
175.- DKK
Kastrup Holmegaard Glass.
Drinking glass "Til Erindring"
175.- DKK
Holmegaard Viol
Water glass 8.7 cm.
112.- DKK per item
Holmegaard Viol
Small akvavit glass 7.7 cm.
45.- DKK per item
Holmegaard Viol
Akvavit glass 8.3 cm.
45.- DKK per item
Holmegaard Primula
Beer glas 11.0 cm.
135.- DKK per item
Holmegaard Viol
White wine glass 13.0 cm.
135.- DKK per item
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Antik K
Knabrostr�de 13,
DK - 1210 K�benhavn K.
+45 2972 2028